George Michael Patience

Inicio/Música/Genero Musical/Anglo/George Michael Patience

George Michael Patience

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Listado de Canciones

1 Patience 02:53
2 Amazing 04:25
3 John And Elvis Are Dead 04:23
4 Cars And Trains 05:51
5 Round Here 05:55
6 Shoot The Dog 05:07
7 My Mother Had A Brother 06:17
8 Flawless (Go To The City) 06:51
9 American Angel 04:07
10 Precious Box 07:39
11 Please Send Me Someone (Anselmo’s Song) 05:26
12 Freeek! ’04 04:28
13 Through 05:22
14 Patience (Pt II) 01:30

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